
Dorie Clark – Recognized Expert

(5 customer reviews)

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Dorie Clark – Recognized Expert

Price: $1995
Archive: archive.is/h8OMf

Course description

Many talented professionals want to make a bigger impact and get their work & their ideas better known. That was certainly how I felt in the years after I first launched my consulting business in 2006.

During the intervening decade, I methodically researched the process of how today’s leading experts built their brands and their platforms.

I’ve applied them in my own business, writing three books (from Harvard Business Review Press and Portfolio/Penguin), and have distilled that knowledge fully for the first time in the Recognized Expert course. More than 150+ successful professionals have now been through the program.

Being great at what you do is very different than being well known for what you do.

With the Recognized Expert course, my goal is to level the playing field and help talented professionals get their voices heard, so that the best ideas – not just the loudest voices – are the ones that win.

Registration for the course is now open. You can learn more below and sign up at the bottom of this page.

What Will You Learn in the Course?

Recognized Expert provides you with a clear template for how to build your professional reputation in order to attract the right opportunities to you. We all have limited time, and it’s important not to waste it. The course will help you figure out where to apply your efforts for the greatest return on investment.

In the course, you’ll learn extremely concrete and practical strategies for how to:
  • Find your message and breakthrough idea, and learn to talk about it in a way that sets you apart
  • Get featured in the media & write for prominent publications
  • Land paid speaking engagements (and cool unpaid opportunities like TEDx talks)
  • Grow your social media and online following
  • Attract clients, job offers, and consulting opportunities to you – rather than constantly having to fight for them
  • Build your email list
  • Overcome self-doubt and the ‘imposter syndrome’ that holds many talented professionals back
  • Master time management and prioritization so you can get ‘regular’ work done and still have time to spend on building your brand
  • Network with peers and so-called ‘influencers’ in a genuine and authentic way, even if you’re an introvert (like I am)
  • Launch a successful blog, podcast, or book

How is the course structured?

Recognized Expert is an in-depth online course that you can access anytime, anywhere around the world.

The course includes more than 40 hours of targeted video instruction modules, as well as monthly live Q&A sessions (which are recorded, in case you can’t make a particular session).

Upon registration, you’ll be given immediate access to all the course materials, so if you’d like to “binge,” you can.

Alternately, if you prefer a ‘paced’ experience, I’ll send out weekly emails to you over a 14-week period with suggested material for you to watch, and homework assignments for you to complete, that week.

One of the best parts of the course is permanent access to an active, 24/7 online community for the course, filled with extremely talented professionals who, like you, are committing to upping their A game and becoming recognized experts.

I interact with students online every single day, and you can share ideas, ask questions, and receive support, advice, and accountability to keep you on target to accomplish your goals.


How Do I Know If Recognized Expert Is Right for Me?

Here are some frequently asked questions about the course.

What if I don’t know what my breakthrough idea is?

That’s totally OK. The course teaches you how to identify your breakthrough idea.

To clarify, the course is not right for you if you’re reinventing and have no idea what direction you want to take or what field you want to be in.

But if you have a sense of where you’d like to make your mark – for instance, in healthcare consulting, or being a social media strategist or a human rights attorney or a wealth manager or an executive coach – this course helps guide you through the process of discovering your distinctive ideas and the contribution you can make.

What if I’m not sure I’m an expert?
Many of us have had doubts at one point or another about whether we’re really qualified. In fact, there’s a module in the course about “Imposter Syndrome” and how to overcome it.

If you have no training or experience, then of course Recognized Expert won’t magically help with that. But if you’re a smart professional who has been working hard and you know in your heart you have something to offer, Recognized Expert helps teach you the skills and strategies to get your ideas more widely heard.

What if I get busy for a while and can’t fully participate?

Not a problem. You have lifetime membership in the course, so you can return to it anytime when you’re less busy. All live sessions are recorded, as well.

I don’t live in a major city (or I don’t live in the US). Will this be a problem?

No – the course is 100% online, so you can consume the material whenever & wherever it’s convenient for you. We do have live monthly webinars, typically held mid-day US Eastern Time (morning Pacific time and evening in Europe), but if you can’t make those, it’s not an issue: 1) you can email in any questions you’d like asked and yours will always be handled first; and 2) all sessions are recorded so you can watch them the next day, or at your convenience.

But what if I hate blogging?
It’s not a problem if you don’t want to blog (or speak, or podcast, or whatever). There are many paths to becoming a recognized expert, and the course helps you identify the strategies that will work best for you. It’s not one-size-fits-all, so it enables you to personalize your approach.

Course Curriculum

Welcome to the Recognized Expert Course

Welcome to the Recognized Expert Course

Am I Qualified to Be a Recognized Expert?

What Does It Take to Become a Recognized Expert?

Book Recommendations for Recognized Expert Students

Find Your Breakthrough Idea

Start Here – Resources & Pre-Reading – Find Your Breakthrough Idea

What Is a Breakthrough Idea

How to Identify Your Target Audience

Will Your Audience Care About Your Big Idea?

Is Your Idea Actually Unique?

How Do You Talk About Your Breakthrough Idea

What to Do If You Haven’t Found What You’re Passionate About

When Your Passion and Your Profession Don’t Align

What If You Have More Than One Passion?

Using the Niche Strategy

Identifying Trends

Creating a Market Gap Analysis

Creating a Framework

Conducting Research

What If Someone Steals Your Idea?

Dorie Clark Review Webinar – Finding Your Breakthrough Idea

Dorie Clark Q&A Webinar Finding Your Breakthrough Idea

Homework Exercises – Find Your Breakthrough Idea

March 2017 Finding Your Breakthrough Idea Q&A Webinar

Summary of Key Points – Finding Your Breakthrough Idea

Multiply Your Following

Start Here – Resources & Pre-Reading – Multiply Your Following

How to Get Featured in Traditional Media

What Social Channels Should You Be Using

How Much Time Should You Spend on Social Media

What Should You Share on Social Media

How to Measure ROI in Social Media

Growing Your Email List

Homework Exercises – Multiply Your Following

Dorie Clark Q&A webinar Multiply Your Following

Webinar Review – Multiply Your Following

Summary of Key Points – Multiply Your Following

April 2017 Multiply Your Following webinar

Overcome the Obstacles

Start Here – Resources & Pre-Reading – Overcome the Obstacles

What If You’re Not Getting Traction?

Grappling with Self Doubt

Who, Really, Can Become a Recognized Expert?

When Can You Claim to be an Expert?

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

What to Do When You Feel Discouraged

What to Do When You Feel Paralyzed

Enhancing Your Executive Presence

How to Focus on What Matters Most

How to Structure Your Day to Be More Productive

What Can You Outsource?

Homework Exercises – Overcome the Obstacles

Webinar Review – Overcome the Obstacles

Dorie Q&A webinar Overcoming the Obstacles

Summary of Key Points – Overcome the Obstacles

Overcome the Obstacles Webinar May 2017

Build a Powerful Network

Start Here – Resources & Pre-Reading – Build a Powerful Network

What Is a Power Network & Why Does It Matter?

How to Connect with Peers

Learning How to Talk About Yourself

Networking as an Introvert

Overcoming Internal Obstacles to Networking

Who Should You Be Connecting With?

Givers and Takers in Networking

Making Your Networking More Efficient

Mastering Follow Up

Homework Exercises – Build a Powerful Network

Webinar Review – Build a Powerful Network

How to Build a Powerful Network Q&A webinar

Summary of Key Points – Build a Powerful Network

Building a Powerful Network Q&A webinar May 2017

Targeted Learning – Guest Expert Interviews

Start Here – Resources & Pre-Reading – Learning from Guest Experts

David Burkus on Becoming More Creative

Shama Hyder on Multiplying Your Following Online

Laura Vanderkam on Overcoming Procrastination and Becoming More Effective with Your Time

John Corcoran on How to Connect with Influencers

Jordan Harbinger on Expanding Your Profile through Podcasting

Interview with Katherine Flynn, Literary Agent

Lolly Daskal on Building Your Platform and Marketing Books

Jason Bellini of the Wall Street Journal on How to Connect with Reporters

Expand Your Public Profile

Start Here – Resources & Pre-Reading – Expand Your Public Profile

What Should You Write About?

How to Create Great Content

How to Become a Guest Blogger

How to Blog for High Profile Publications

Should You Start Your Own Blog?

How to Promote Your Blog

How to Become a Podcast Guest

Should You Start Your Own Podcast?

How to Land Your First Speaking Gig

What Should You Charge for Speaking?

How to Land a TEDx Talk

Creating Content vs. Networking

How and When to Write a Book Proposal

Should You Self-Publish or Traditionally Publish?

Things to Keep in Mind About Self-Publishing

How to Find an Agent

How to Find a Publisher

How to Market Your Book Successfully

Homework Exercises – Expand Your Public Profile

Webinar Review – Expand Your Public Profile

Expand Your Public Profile Q&A webinar

Summary of Key Points – Expand Your Public Profile

Expand Your Public Profile Q&A webinar May 2017

Next Steps – Putting It All Together

How to Get Your Audience to Want What You’re Offering

How to Get High Level Clients to Come to You

Setting Your Longer Term Vision

Taking Action – What’s Next?

Dorie Clark Q&A webinar – How to Monetize

Bonus “Ask Me Anything” Q&A webinar

Dorie’s November 2016 Bonus Ask Me Anything Webinar

Summary of Key Points – Recognized Expert – Next Steps

Monthly REx Webinars

Book Marketing Webinar with Special Guest Star RExer Jeffrey Shaw – Jan 2018

Intro to REx Webinar Feb 2018

REx Open Q&A Webinar – March 2018

5 reviews for Dorie Clark – Recognized Expert

  1. Heather Edwards (verified owner)

    I found the lessons to be very practical and useful.

  2. William (verified owner)

    The practical examples made a huge difference. Great course!

  3. Jessica Ward (verified owner)

    The practical examples made it easy to understand the concepts.

  4. Daniel Garcia (verified owner)

    The course was very informative and well-structured.

  5. Michael (verified owner)

    I enjoyed the hands-on approach of this course.

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